Scroll network banner



Scroll is building a fully EVM-Equivalent general purpose zk-Rollup built for the purpose of scaling the Ethereum network. Scroll aims to be the most developer friendly zk-based scaling solution by offering developers a seamless DApp migration experience between Ethereum layer 1 and Scroll.

Our technical principles are:

  1. Ensuring user security - No need to rely on the honesty of Layer 2 nodes, Scroll will inherit the security and decentralization properties of Ethereum.
  2. Maintaining EVM-Equivalence - Developers will be able to use their existing toolkit from Layer 1 Ethereum, making for a seamless DApp migration experience between Ethereum and Scroll.
  3. Efficiency - Transaction fees will remain low, and users will experience near instant pre-confirmation on Layer 2 with reasonably fast finality on the Ethereum base layer.
  4. Decentralization across all layers. We consider decentralization across many aspects of Scroll, including node operators, provers, and our community of developers and users.

Scroll is currently in its Pre-Alpha Testnet phase. We are onboarding both users and developers to experience the early iteration of Scroll and help battle-test our network as we progress towards mainnet deployment. The Pre-Alpha Testnet consists of Scroll L1 and Scroll L2 test network (a fork of Ethereum utilizing a PoA-based consensus, and a zero-knowledge rollup testnet deployed on top of the former). Pre-Alpha Testnet resources including documentation can be found here:

Quick facts

Network Chain Id Block Explorer
Scroll L1 Testnet 534351
Scroll L2 Testnet 534354

Supported endpoints

Get token balances for address
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return current token balances along with their spot prices. This endpoint supports a variety of token standards like ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155. As a special case, network native tokens like ETH on Ethereum are also returned even though it’s not a token contract.
Get transactions for address
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return all transactions along with their decoded log events. This endpoint does a deep-crawl of the blockchain to retrieve all kinds of transactions that references the address including indexed topics within the event logs.
Get ERC20 token transfers for address
Class A
Given chain_id, wallet address and contract-address, return all ERC20 token contract transfers along with their historical prices at the time of their transfer.
Get token holders as of any block height
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return a paginated list of token holders. If block-height is omitted, the latest block is used.
Get log events by contract address
Class A
Given chain_id and contract address, return a paginated list of decoded log events emitted by a particular smart contract.
Get log events by topic hash(es)
Class A
Given chain_id and topic hash(es), return a paginated list of decoded log events with one or more topic hashes separated by a comma.

Go to Covalent’s API Reference


Scroll Testnet tokens

The Scroll Testnet token TSETH is the native token of the Scroll L1 and L2 Tetnets, which is similar to Ether in Ethereum. To interact with Scroll networks, TSETH tokens are required to pay gas fees. The Covalent API response returns gas_* fields in fiat units.

Last modified: November 21, 2022: Add scroll docs (#251) (916f46b)