Aurora network banner

Aurora Network


Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implemented as a smart contract on NEAR Protocol. Aurora is a solution, that allows developers to execute Ethereum contracts in a more performant environment: The NEAR blockchain. NEAR is a modern layer-1 blockchain which is fast with 2-3 second transaction finalization time, scalable, and carbon neutral.

Aurora supports all tools available in the Ethereum ecosystem — MetaMask, Truffle, Hardhat, Remix, etc. Additionally, NEAR’s trustless bridge to Ethereum means even the assets on Aurora are the same as Ethereum.

Quick facts

Property Value
Aurora Mainnet chainId 1313161554
Aurora Blockchain Explorer
Block time ~3 seconds
Data refresh latency ~6 seconds

Supported endpoints

Get token balances for address
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return current token balances along with their spot prices. This endpoint supports a variety of token standards like ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155. As a special case, network native tokens like ETH on Ethereum are also returned even though it’s not a token contract.
Get transactions for address
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return all transactions along with their decoded log events. This endpoint does a deep-crawl of the blockchain to retrieve all kinds of transactions that references the address including indexed topics within the event logs.
Get ERC20 token transfers for address
Class A
Given chain_id, wallet address and contract-address, return all ERC20 token contract transfers along with their historical prices at the time of their transfer.
Get token holders as of any block height
Class A
Given chain_id and wallet address, return a paginated list of token holders. If block-height is omitted, the latest block is used.
Get log events by contract address
Class A
Given chain_id and contract address, return a paginated list of decoded log events emitted by a particular smart contract.
Get log events by topic hash(es)
Class A
Given chain_id and topic hash(es), return a paginated list of decoded log events with one or more topic hashes separated by a comma.

Go to Covalent’s API Reference


Rainbow Bridge between or send within Ethereum, NEAR and Aurora

Last modified: October 27, 2022: october-changelog-2022 (#243) (b6121bb)