
As we are close to the end of the year, we are working with a single-minded focus on improving the service of the API and upgrading the performance of existing endpoints. In November, we improved on the overall response time of the Class A endpoints by reducing the response time to milli-seconds. We also improved the Block-Height response, making it easy for the API to return data at particular Blocks.


  • Users in Great Britain will be excited that we have added support for GBP. <no-code>

  • starting-block and ending-block has been added to the Transfer_v2 endpoint. This enables developers to retreive transactions data from a particular Block range without having to query the entire chain. <data-accessibility>

  • As part of the overall efforts to index Ronin Chain - which has successfully passed the community votes - we have added Katana to the Covalent list of supported DEXes. Katana is the Ronin decentralized exchange. Katana allows anyone to easily swap between the various assets within the Axie Infinity ecosystem. With the official launch of Ronin Chain on Covalent, users will be able to access transactions, log events, and activities on the Katana DEX. <data-accessibility>


  • Pushed fixes to the Block-Height parameters, fixing the starting-block > ending-block params during requests to endpoints that require the arguments. Further optimizing the experience for developers who are making calls to get events that occur within a given block range. <data-accessibility>

  • Updated support for AAVE on Avalanche C-Chain. The Avalanche is accessible at ChainID: 43114 <no-code>

  • Updated the token pricing for Arbitrum. <no-code>

  • WMATIC has be added to the stablecoin tokens for Matic Mainnet. Matic is available at ChainID: 137 on the Mainnet <no-code>

  • We created a new service to index ERC20 Prices on Axie. <data-accessibility>


  • Fix NFT endpoint not working with Axie. Issue-1179

  • Fix missing WETH from Balances_v2 response Issue-1286

  • Fix wrong volume response in XY=K SpookySwap #987 Issue-987

  • Parameter starting block is required for GET Log Events By Topic Hash. Issue-1166

Last modified: October 27, 2022: october-changelog-2022 (#243) (b6121bb)