April 2021



  • Pricing Endpoint - Get historical prices by addresses v2 <data-accessibility>

  • Class B Endpoint - GET PancakeSwap V2 network assets - Return a paginated list of Pancake V2 pools sorted by exchange volume. Only pools with swaps in the last 24 hours are included. <data-accessibility>

  • Class B Endpoint - GET PancakeSwap V2 address exchange balances - Gets PancakeSwap V2 address exchange balances. <data-accessibility>

  • Class B Endpoint - GET PancakeSwap V2 address exchange liquidity transactions - Gets PancakeSwap V2 address exchange liquidity transactions <data-accessibility>

  • Class B Endpoint - GET PancakeSwap network assets - Return a paginated list of Pancake pools sorted by exchange volume. Only pools with swaps in the last 24 hours are included. <data-accessibility>

  • Class B Endpoint - GET PancakeSwap address exchange balances - Gets PancakeSwap address exchange balances. <data-accessibility>

  • Class B Endpoint - GET PancakeSwap address exchange liquidity transactions - Gets PancakeSwap address exchange liquidity transactions. <data-accessibility>

  • Class A Endpoint - GET Block Height block_v2 <data-accessibility>

  • Added Support for Zora NFTs <data-accessibility>


  • Fix TokenBalanceService - Use PricingServiceV2 quote rates Issue-594

  • PricingService - Historical Prices - ensure that yesterday is populated when we transition into today using UTC Issue-557

  • Fix TokenBalanceService and TokenTransferService in Avalanche portfolio returns http 500 error message. Issue-530

  • Fix parameterize pancake swap by setting Switch chain_id for the router Issue-527

  • Fix Uniswap v2 streamify swaps returns http 500 error message. Issue-524

  • Pricing service fix to add price changes in WETH. Issue-511

  • Auto Calculate starting block fix: Allow the user to put in latest with no starting_block. So it is auto-calculated as latest-1000000. That way the user doesn’t have to always look up the starting block. Issue-431

  • Pricing service refactoring - Code refactoring to move components into separate particular functions. “Getting historical prices by address” changed to a cleaner flow using switch statements. Can now be done in 2 blocks. Issue-339

  • Fix Primer Exceptions should be typed: Primer exceptions are now less generic. Most of them are JSONParseExceptions but we also created a few more specific ones for other cases. Issue-332

  • Primer enabled on all class A endpoints. Added two query parameters: match - to filter responses. primer - to filter, aggregate, sort, limit responses. Issue-323


Last modified: October 27, 2022: october-changelog-2022 (#243) (b6121bb)